Automatically attach PDF receipts to donation receipts

Make life easy for your donors by providing them with a PDF receipt for their donation. Add the receipts as attachments to your donation receipt emails, or simply let donors download their PDF when they need it via the online donation receipt.

With Charitable PDF Receipts, you can easily attach PDF receipts to your donation receipt emails.

Screenshot of an email inbox showing a donation receipt with a PDF attached

You can automatically attach PDFs to the regular Donation Receipt email as well as the Recurring Donation Receipt email, which is available as part of the Recurring Donations plugin.

Prefer to keep your emails attachment-free? Simply keep this option disabled. Your donors can still access their PDF receipt via their donation receipt on your website, and you can also include a direct link for your donors to download a PDF in your donation emails.

Donors can send their receipt to themselves or someone else

Your donors can easily send receipt to themselves or someone else, providing them with an easy way to share a receipt with their partner or accountant, for example.

It’s a simple feature designed to make life easier for your donors by providing them with the tools they need after they donate.

Reduce the load on your server

PDF generation can be taxing on your website, especially if you receive lots of donations, so Charitable PDF Receipts plugin provides ways to lessen the load.

Instead of attaching PDF receipts to your donation emails automatically, you can disable this option and instead provide donors with a direct link to a page where they can download a PDF receipt. This defers the PDF generation until the time when donors need it.

After they are generated, PDF receipts are kept for up to two hours before being deleted, avoiding unnecessary bloat while also avoiding repeat generation of the same PDF in a short period of time.

More information

Get started with the Charitable PDF Receipts setup guide.

Minimum requirements:

  • PHP 7.2+
  • Charitable 1.6.59+

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