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Appreciate you signing up for news on Charitable. Have you taken Charitable for a spin yet?

It works with any theme, and you can accept PayPal and offline donations right out of the box. 

We are in the process of building a full demo to match the latest version of Charitable. In the meantime you can open your very own temp WordPress site with the latest version of Charitable per-installed by going here:

This demo is powered by WordPress Playground… and does not have 100% features (including connecting to gateways to test payments, although the offline payment option should work) but should give you an idea of what the core/free version of Charitable looks like when installed.

You are free to download the core plugin to try for free on your own hosting.

You can view latest updates from Charitable here, which cover our new visual campaign builder, dashboard, and reporting features:

Feel free to also check out our offers and discounts on Charitable plans!

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