Charitable Documentation

Learn how to make the most of Charitable with clear, step-by-step instructions.

Donation Emails not Sending

There are a few different reasons why emails might not send.

  1. By default, the donation receipt and admin confirmation are only sent when the donation is Paid – not when it is still Pending. The first thing to check is the status of the donation, which you can see by logging into your WordPress dashboard and going to Charitable > Donations and checking the “Status” column.
  2. Check your email Spam and Trash folders to see if the emails were delivered there.
  3. If the donations are marked as Paid but no emails have been received, there may be more general problems with your site emails. To test this, try the following:
    1. Go to your site’s login address. This will usually be your website domain followed by wp-login.php
    2. Next, click on “Lost your password?”
    3. Type in your email address or username and click on “Get New Password”.
    4. Check your email. If you have not received an email, there is a more general problem with your website emails.

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