Charitable Documentation

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Campaign Submission Flow in Charitable Ambassadors

Charitable Ambassadors supports two campaign submissions flows for campaign creators:

  • Require users to register before submitting a campaign
  • Require users to register after submitting a campaign

Read on for a detailed outline of how these two flows work.

Registration required before submitting a campaign

If users have to register before they can submit a campaign, this is what happens when they go to a campaign form without being logged in:

  1. They will be shown the registration form. This will include a link to a login form if they have already created an account before.
  2. After registering or logging in, they will be required to verify their email address, unless they have done so previously.
  3. Once they verify their email address, they will automatically be returned to the page with the campaign form they initially tried to access.

Registration required after submitting a campaign

If a user can submit a campaign without first registering an account, the signup flow is run after they submit a campaign.

When a logged out user submits their campaign, their campaign is kept in Draft status, regardless of whether they submitted it or clicked on the Save & Preview button.

Now, one of two things happens, depending on whether there is an existing account linked to the email address they used in their campaign submission:

  • If an account exists, they will be asked to log in using the email address they set in their campaign submission.
  • If no account exists, they will be required to register an account with the email address they provided.

When the user has registered or logged in, they will be asked to verify their email address (unless it was verified previously).

Once the user has verified their email address, their campaign status may be changed according to the user’s intention when they submitted the form:

  • If they clicked Save & Preview, the campaign will be kept in Draft status and the user will be redirected to the preview of their campaign.
  • If they clicked Submit Campaign, the campaign will either be marked as Pending or Publish, depending on whether the “Automatically Approve Campaigns” option is enabled in the Ambassadors settings page.

What if the user doesn’t register or log in after submitting their campaign?

If the user doesn’t register or log in straight away after they submit their campaign, that’s OK.

Depending on the action they were required to take (log in, register, or verify their email address), the next time they complete that action, that action will be marked as done.

Their campaign will be kept in Draft status until they have completed all required actions.

In some cases, users may have to confirm that they created an account linked to their email address.

This can happen if their browser cookies have been deleted, or if they submitted their campaign on a different computer or with another browser.

Send campaign creators reminder emails

If a user hasn’t completed the actions they’re required to take, you can schedule a reminder email to be sent to them after a few hours:

  1. Go to Charitable > Settings > Emails.
  2. Enable the “Campaign Creator: Submitted Campaign Requires Action” email.
  3. Click on Email Settings to configure it.
  4. Choose how many hours you would like to wait before sending the email after the user has submitted their campaign, and customize the other email settings.
  5. Click on Save Changes.

Send an email to the admin when a campaign is on hold because of uncompleted actions

You can also optionally send an email to one or more website administrators to let them know that a campaign has been submitted but requires further user action.

  1. Go to Charitable > Settings > Emails.
  2. Enable the “Admin: Submitted Campaign Requires Action” email.
  3. Click on Email Settings to configure it.
  4. Choose how many hours you would like to wait before sending the email after the user has submitted their campaign, and customize the other email settings.
  5. Click on Save Changes.

Can a user preview their campaign without being logged in?

To preview a campaign, you have to be logged in, since this is the only way Charitable can know that you have permission to access the campaign.

As a result, if a campaign creator clicks on the Save & Preview button when drafting their campaign, they will have to go through the signup flow described above before they can access the preview.

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